MacBook Python Environment

MacBook Python Environment

맥 터미널

iTerm2 :\

빠른 서치 앱

Alfred :\


VirtualEnv 이용해서 파이선 버전 관리

pip install virtualenv (& virtualenvwrapper)

Brew 이용해서 편집기 vim / zshell / wget / git 다운

brew install neovim  (neovim download not necessary for  zsh though…)

brew install zsh zsh-completions  (download zsh and zsh-completions )

brew install wget

brew install git

Oh-My-Zsh 다운로드

sh -c “$(curl -fsSL\)”

 ”Please look over .zshrc file to select plugins, themes, and options.”


터미널 활용앱 tmux / Zshell의 플러그인 매니저 Zplug 다운로드

brew install tmux

brew install zplug


[ Installing Dotfiles ] : terminal/zsh/vim+a 설정

 - Weblink:\

  1. git clone –recursive\ ~/.dotfiles

  2. cd ~/.dotfiles && python

  • python –force (if need enforcement)
  1. Update:

  2. >>> dotfiles update


[ Virtualenvwrapper ] : virtualenv 사용법

  1. Create virtualenv

  2. >>> mkvirtualenv (env_name) –python=<python_version>


  1. Remove virtualenv

  2. >>> rmvirtualenv (env_name)


  1. Get into virtualenv

  2. >>> workon (env_name)


  1. Get out of virtualenv

  2. >>> deactivate



This is a preview of Clap Button, a new feedback and analytics tools for Hydejack, built by yours truly. You can try it out on localhost for free, but it will be removed (together with this message) when building with JEKYLL_ENV=production. To use Clap Button on your site, get a subscription
and set clap_button: true in your config file.